Don’t Get Burned !
Holding on to anger is like grasping a hot coal with the intent of throwing it at someone else; you are the one who gets burned.
“The Buddha”
Experience Althea’s Gifts & Wisdom


Althea DePascale Medium ~ Clairvoyant ~ Intuitive Mentor October 19th 2019Avant Garde Holistic Center328 E. Main St Branford CT.7 to 9 pmDonation $15.for reservationsavantgardect13@yahoo.com203 841-8443 October 19th 2019Avant Garde Holistic Center328 E. Main St...

An Evening with Spirit
Althea DePascale Medium ~ Clairvoyant ~ Intuitive Mentor Sept 14th 2019 Avant Garde 328 E. Main St. Branford CT. 7 to 9 pm donation $10. avantgardect13@yahoo.com 203 481-8443 JOIN US FOR AN AMAZING WORKSHOP An Evening With Spirit ~ A Benefit for Compassionate Care...

Althea DePascale Medium ~ Clairvoyant ~ Intuitive Mentor July 20th 2019 Connecticut Street Rod Association 316 Woodhouse Avenue, Wallingford, CT 2 p.m. to 5 p.m. Donation $25. JOIN US FOR AN AMAZING WORKSHOP A BENEFIT FOR: PAWS 4 LIFE ANIMAL RESCUE OF CT Join us as...

Medium Training
Althea DePascale Medium ~ Clairvoyant ~ Intuitive Mentor July 27, 2019 Farmington Hypnosis & Awareness Center 128 Garden St. Farmington CT. Time 10 am to 12 cost $15. Call 860 677-8650 acdepascale@comcast.net JOIN US FOR AN AMAZING WORKSHOP WHAT IS A MEDIUM? A...

Ongoing Medium Training Class
Althea DePascale Medium ~ Clairvoyant ~ Intuitive Mentor March 30, 2019 Farmington Hypnosis & Awareness Center 128 Garden St. Farmington, Ct. Time: 10 to 12pm Cost $15. 860 677-8650 or acdepascale@comcast.net JOIN US FOR AN AMAZING WORKSHOP Ongoing Medium Training...

Upcoming Schedule 2019
Althea DePascale Medium ~ Clairvoyant ~ Intuitive Mentor Farmington Hypnosis & Awareness Center L.L.C. 128 Garden St. Farmington CT. Avant Garde Hoilstic Center 328 E. Main St. Branford CT Private Readings The 1st Saturday of the month. Crystal Essence 39 Railroad...

Althea DePascale Medium ~ Clairvoyant ~ Intuitive Mentor Date: July 21, 2018 Avant Garde Address: 328 E. Main St. Branford, CT Time: 7:00 - 10 pm Price: $25.00 Limited reservations call 203 481-8443 avantgardect13@yahoo.com JOIN US FOR AN AMAZING WORKSHOP...

An Evening with Spirit
Althea DePascale Medium ~ Clairvoyant ~ Intuitive Mentor Date: July 7, 2018 Avant Garde Address: 328 E. Main St. Branford, CT Time: 7:30 pm - 9:30 Donation: $10. Call: 203 841-8443 avantgardect13@yahoo.com JOIN US FOR AN AMAZING WORKSHOP The Evening of...

Althea DePascale Medium ~ Clairvoyant ~ Intuitive Mentor Date: April 28, 2018 Location: Avant Garde Holistic Spa Address: 328 E. main St. Branford, CT Time: 7:30 am - 9:30 pm Price: $20.00 For Reservations: avantgardect13@yahoo.com 203 481-8443 JOIN US FOR...

Past Life Regression ~ A Journey in Time
Althea DePascale Medium ~ Clairvoyant ~ Intuitive Mentor Date: April 14, 2018 Location: Farmington Hypnosis Address: 128 Garden St. Farmington, CT. Time: 7:00 pm - 10:00 pm Price: $40..00 Call 860 677-8650 or email acdepascale@comcast.net JOIN US FOR AN...
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