Blue Jays – Peanuts and Trust
I step outside onto my backyard porch most mornings to feed the birds peanuts.
A beautiful Maple tree is approximately twenty feet away from where I stand and look at the 5 or 6 Blue Jays sitting on the branches. Patiently they wait for me to chuck a couple of handfuls peanuts to them.
One day while feeding the peanuts to the birds I saw a gang of Blue Jay’s attacking one of the birds in the group. He appeared to be hurt. The attacks went on day after day for a week or so. I decided to crack open a few peanuts and drop them right in front of where I was standing. To my surprise the injured bird came to get the peanuts while the others still perched on the branches watched. The bird’s right leg looked dead, it just hung there useless.
Every morning the injured bird would fly down at my feet to pick up the peanuts I had shelled for him eat. He would pack a few in his mouth and fly away. It was interesting to observe. I saw something profound in what was taking place.
The injured bird had courage and also trust. He took the risk and truly benefited from that risk.
He showed me the importance in my own spiritual growth to find courage and to take some risks in my life. I needed to stop playing it safe. It was important for me to learn to trust. Most of all to remember that I don’t walk alone and that I am very supported in this universe.
I needed learn to let go and go with the flow and trust that I will succeed in accomplishing my goals.
But first I would need to find the courage to take some risk because the road would require that I stop making choices that keep me safe and stuck. I will need to reflect deeply on trust to manifest my dreams. Watching that injured bird conquered his fears and then chose to trust that I wouldn’t harm him. This was a powerful message from the universe one that I have practiced ever since the morning the Blue Jay shined.
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Althea DePascale Medium ~ Clairvoyant ~ Intuitive Mentor October 19th 2019Avant Garde Holistic Center328 E. Main St Branford CT.7 to 9 pmDonation $15.for reservationsavantgardect13@yahoo.com203 841-8443 October 19th 2019Avant Garde Holistic Center328 E. Main St...

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