Althea's Intutive Mentoring Services Pricing

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Life Question Psychic Clairvoyant Reading $50 – 30 minutes $100 – 60 minutes
Psychic Clairvoyant Medium Reading $50 – 30 minutes $100 – 60 minutes
Psychic Clairvoyant Past Life Reading $50 – 30 minutes $100 – 60 minutes
Psychic Clairvoyant Intuitive  Hypnosis Session   $200 – 60 minutes

Hypnosis is a tool whose power Althea DePascale wields with gentle finesse. This power, amplified by Althea’s “knowings” truly makes for amazing healing sessions. After each of these sessions I have felt deeply relaxed and much more optimistic about life. Althea has an uncanny ability to know just what is needed to move someone forward. Significant healing shifts always occur as a result of this inner work with her. Through the years I have derived such great benefits from her workshops and classes of intuitive readings, hypnosis sessions and spiritual coaching. She has been a positive gift in my life.   I shudder to think what my life would be without her extremely gifted help. I feel blessed to have such a powerful resource within my geographical reach

Dr. Steven Grady MD

(860) 677 - 8650

Call me. Leave your number and best times to return your call.
Experience Althea’s Gifts & Wisdom
Medium Training

Medium Training

Althea DePascale Medium ~ Clairvoyant ~ Intuitive Mentor July 27, 2019 Farmington Hypnosis & Awareness Center 128 Garden St. Farmington CT. Time 10 am to 12 cost $15. Call 860 677-8650 JOIN US FOR AN AMAZING WORKSHOP WHAT IS A MEDIUM? A...

Ongoing Medium Training Class

Ongoing Medium Training Class

Althea DePascale Medium ~ Clairvoyant ~ Intuitive Mentor March 30, 2019 Farmington Hypnosis & Awareness Center 128 Garden St. Farmington, Ct. Time: 10 to 12pm Cost $15. 860 677-8650 or JOIN US FOR AN AMAZING WORKSHOP Ongoing Medium Training...

Upcoming Schedule 2019

Upcoming Schedule 2019

Althea DePascale Medium ~ Clairvoyant ~ Intuitive Mentor Farmington Hypnosis & Awareness Center L.L.C. 128 Garden St. Farmington CT. Avant Garde Hoilstic Center 328 E. Main St. Branford CT Private Readings The 1st Saturday of the month. Crystal Essence 39 Railroad...

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Examples of professional help are services such as financial, emotional, psychological and physical professional contributors to your well being. Farmington Hypnosis and Awareness llc are not responsible for actions for events occurring before, during or after sponsored services and events.

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Farmington Hypnosis and Awareness llc

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