We are located in Farmington, CT

I have clients around the globe. Let's compare our time zones and talk 🙂

We Have Moved!

Althea DePascale Psychic Clairvoyant Medium
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My new address is 128 Garden St. Farmington. Garden St. is the light just before the Mobile gas station.

Garden St. is behind Miss Porter School.  Watch the speed bump. Proceed through 2 stop signs, after the second stop sign watch a Large Gray building on the right with a white 2nd floor porch as a land mark. The next driveway you will see a row of mail boxes continue down the small hill and as you look at the building my doorway to the second floor is on the right near the handicap parking signs.
Sorry the building has no handicap accessibility.  860 677-8650

(860) 677 - 8650

Call me. Leave your number and best times to return your call.

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