
Althea DePascale

Medium ~ Clairvoyant ~ Intuitive Mentor

July 20th 2019
Connecticut Street Rod Association
316 Woodhouse Avenue, Wallingford, CT
2 p.m. to 5 p.m.
Donation $25.


Join us as Medium Althea DePascale connects us with loved ones and pets that have crossed over to the other side. Spirits come for many reasons. Its purpose can be to give us insights into their world, help us to release guilt and heal the pain we may be experiencing as a result of their loss. This is a gallery style presentation. Not everyone attending will receive a message.
Althea DePascale, co-owner of Farmington Hypnosis and Awareness Center L.L.C., in Farmington, Connecticut, is an internationally recognized, gifted and skilled clairvoyant an intuitive life-coach, medium, metaphysical teacher, as well as a multifaceted healer and a past-life facilitator. Today Althea is internationally recognized for her gifts. For a number of years, she has conducted workshops and lectures throughout New England, North Carolina, Virginia, and Florida. She works with clients both in the U.S. and worldwide. Althea DePascale:
* Refreshments are included in donation. A 50/50 raffle and basket raffles will be available for purchase. 100% of all money raised will go to Paws 4 Life Animal Rescue and helping animals in our care. To reserve you spot, a donation of $25 can be paid through our Facebook (via donate button), PayPal, Venmo, Check or Cash.
Website: https://www.instagram


Enjoy one of Connecticut’s own and grow under the wing of one of the best.

Call (860) 677-8650

It’s never too late to start transforming your life.

I would love to have the presence of your energy at my workshop.
Sign up now 🙂

Office: 860 677-8650
Cell:     860 559- 3695


I just love attending Althea’s workshops. I always go home with a knowing that I have set in motion positive changes in my being which translates to positive changes in my life.

Anna Rosa

Distance Energy Healing

I love attending Althea’s workshops. I have been learning so much about spirituality and its been very healing emotionally. The exercises we do are amazing and even magical at times. I have a different outlook on life now. I’ve learned so much. Thank you Althea for opening up my intuitive side.

Diana L. DeLorenzo

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Farmington Hypnosis and Awareness llc

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